Thursday, June 22, 2006

I sent this email out to family who were invited over the internet to explain why Tony and I are having this ceremony this weekend. My sister suggested that I post it on my blog, so here it is:

I suppose that this little update is long overdue.
A few weeks ago I sent out an evite to a Reaffirmation of Wedding Vows. ( ) I believe this might need a little bit of explaining, as some may not even realize that I am married and those who are aware may note that I probably haven't been married long enough to think about renewing vows. So, I would like to explain the importance of this ceremony as well as a little history behind it.
I met Jose Antonio Alvarez, AKA Tony, on June 14th of 2004. I was teaching music for the Army Chapel's Vacation Bible School program, and Tony was "volun-told" to be my assistant. About a month later, we were engaged. We assured both of our families that we were not crazy or trying to rush into anything. Tony was scheduled to be sent to Iraq at the end of the year, and we were planning to get hitched upon his return. Well, by November, we started to change our minds, and on November 24th of 2004 we were joined together in an intimate ceremony at the very chapel where we had met only months before. Because the ceremony was planned so last minute, only a few of my close family members as well as Tony's platoon were able to attend. Even so, the people who were there made the ceremony special to us.
Tony was sent to Iraq on January 11th of 2005. It was hard for both of us, as newlyweds, to be apart for so long, but God, and our families, took care of us both. One of Tony's jobs in Iraq at the beginning of the tour was to work in the internet/phone cafe, and as a result, we were able to talk almost everyday. The experience gave me a greater appreciation for military spouses who lived through earlier deployments. My mom reminded me more than a few times of how rarely she had heard from my dad when he was deployed in Vietnam, and how blessed I was to hear from my husband so often. The deployment also gave me an opportunity to grow closer to my siblings and their families, whose support comforted me on many days without phone calls.
Even on the two weeks of R&R when Tony got to come back to the states, different family members showed their support by giving us a place to "honeymoon" and making Tony feel welcome at the summer family reunion.
Tony returned from Iraq on December 26th, 2005.
We wanted to plan a wedding ceremony that his family from California would be able to attend as well as my family from all over. We picked June 24th for the ceremony; June because that is the month we met, and the 24th because that is the day in November which we had our first little ceremony.

So, this ceremony is important to us because it allows both sides of our family to come together and celebrate the Holy institute that is marriage. You are all invited, and though most will not be able to attend due to a shortage of time, money, and gasoline, you will be in our hearts and minds.


Margie said...

Congratulations Lori and Tony, Sorry that we could not be there, but my thoughts are with you both. I think that it is great that you shared your special day with everyone. Never quit celebrating the joy of your marriage.

MamaJudy said...

Sounds like you had a beautiful ceremony. My husband and I after 20 yrs decided to have a reaffirmation ceremony. It was an experience for a live time. I'm sure yours was too. Check out my blog about this special event.
Judy Riddle
Reaffirmation Ceremony