Monday, May 01, 2006

It's NOT true

I just talked to Kari. She got an email from her friend Crystal asking if I'm pregnant. I guess Crystal ran into one of the Chaplains at the commissary who told her that I am!
Well, the Chaplain has been misinformed... (unless he got a message from God that I didn't get!)
So, just in case Kari writes anything on her blog... which I wouldn't bame her for doing because the whole thing is kinda funyy... you all heard it from me: I am not pregnant. Tony and I very much want to have children some day, but now is not the most opportune moment.


TednLisa said...

LOL Poor Lori! I'm so glad they thought you were pregnant and not me, since I am afraid any day now someone is going to ask me, if I am. My stomach has been growing from all of those cookies I've been eating latley. I wondered for a moment when I got an email from Kari but then I thought well I will find out sooner or later if it is true or not.

K A R I™ said...
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K A R I™ said...

Lori lol aww I won't get a neice nephew named Pimp Daddy Cane?? Curt was really hoping! HA HA

K A R I™ said...

thanks for helping me paint!