How amazing is that?! When we are on the verge of giving up, God comes to our rescue!
Meanwhile, I can't imagine how frustrated that Chaplain must have felt. He does not seem at all like the type to give up, but I'm sure he was kinda og at the end of his rope. I have no doubt that he tried all he could do to get people to come, but, sometimes, we have to remember that it is God's power that brings people to Him, not our power. I want to show our deployed Chaplains that we care about them and what they are doing, and we appreciate their hard work. I'm thinking about getting something started at the Chapel. Maybe we can buy a bunch of thank you cards and get people to write a message or something, or maybe we can bring in a camcorder and record messages to them. Either way, we've got to do something to show them that they are not working for nothing. It's not just their jobs as chaplains to take care of us. We, in return, should be taking care of them.

This is one of the places where they have held service over there. Notice that huge flower growing on the right. That is the only flower Tony has seen since he's been over there.
Thanks for sharing that story. Let me know what you decide you are going to do about helping. By the way did you read my post about Evan?
and the pole in the back looks like a cross
Let us know too. What ever we can do to support, we will.
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