Wednesday, August 31, 2005

No News is Good News

I've been watching the news on and off today, and all of this stuff that's going on is really depressing. This is one of those times when everyone should kiss their husband or wife, tell their kids how much they are loved, and be grateful for what they've got.
I should be grateful that I at least know my husband is alive, and I know pretty much where he is. I know I still have a home, food, gas in my car, and a place to lay my head tonight. Yet, at the same time, I feel so small and so human. I can't change the world, and the world really needs changing. My heart goes out to the people who've lost everything, especially loved ones, in the hurricane. I wish I could do something, but what? I wonder how much this will change our country, and the way we view life. I wonder what effect it will have on the next generation. I never thought I'd live to see the day when we would have refugees from our own country.

1 comment:

TednLisa said...

I know it is sad, and scary. I guess I take for granted alot of things.